Looking to speak to a professional? Call Dave today and learn how he and his team can help.

Drainage Services
We provide drainage services for house drains, garden drains, lift stations or pump chambers and sewers to the entire region of southern Vancouver Island and Greater Victoria, including Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Langford, Colwood, Metchosin and all surrounding areas.
Our services include:
- Cleaning
- Camera inspection
- Repair
- Troubleshooting
- Investigation and design
- …and more!
We perform partial and complete replacement – and we work on all municipalities including Saanich.
We are your best choice for anything sewer related – from install to maintenance or repair. We do sewer drain inspections, sewer line cleaning, and sewer snake and rooter service for a clogged sewer line.
Talk to us about all aspects of design, installation, repair and maintenance of wastewater lift stations, designed to move wastewater from low to high ground and lower high sewer construction costs.
Capture rain water to reuse watering your garden. The image on the right shows a 600 US gallon underground tank. All the rain water from the house flows through the tank.